• Exam: FCE
  • Course: SPEAKING
  • Part 1, Exam 7


Position the words given to complete the conversations making them grammaticaly correct.

Drag and drop or type the words given, to create the correct answers.

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Hello, I would like to ask you some questions about yourself. Do you like shopping?


Shopping is a lot of fun, but it can 1) be very tiring. I like going to shops and trying 2) new clothes. When I can, I also 3) buying new things, which make me 4) new.


How often do you go shopping?


I don't have a 5) routine, but about once 6) week I meet my friends and we walk 7) the shops. If I see something I like, I buy it.


Do you prefer shopping with your family or with your friends?


Shopping with my family is not very interesting because we have very different 8) and enjoy doing different things. If I 9) a choice, I prefer shopping 10) my friends.


Do you think shopping can become addictive?


Anything that is enjoyable 11) easily become addictive and shopping is not different. Many people have 12) controlling the fun they get from shopping and 13) addicted.

Possible answers:

  • A) on
  • B) feel
  • C) also
  • D) enjoy

  • E) a
  • F) around
  • G) regular

  • H) have
  • I) with
  • J) tastes

  • K) get
  • L) can
  • M) problems

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