• Exam: FCE-O
  • Course:
  • Part 2, Exam 3


For questions 1 - 8, read the text below and type the word which best fits each gap.
Use only 1 word in each gap and type your answer in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 60% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 10 minutes or under.


I don't agree ......WITH............what you say.

The Wolf 1

Wolves are highly intelligent hunters and are believed to (1) ancestors of the domestic dog. They travel in packs and their territory can cover anything from 40 to 400 square miles. Being very territorial, they (2) other wolves know where they are by howling, and mark the borders of (3) territory with the scent of urine. A pack might consist of up to 30 wolves, but when their food (4) is limited, there might only be six or seven animals in the pack.

Wolves have no problem catching large animals like deer or moose, and catch their prey (5) working together and blocking its escape until it is finally trapped. When wolves come into contact with farm animals, they have an easy source of food, but this brings them (6) conflict with humans.

Wolf populations have been declining around the world, mainly due (7) poisoning and shooting. The red wolf is now almost extinct in the wild, while the habitat of the grey wolf is limited (8) a few areas of Europe, North America and Asia. Human activity is the main threat tothe survival of the wolf.

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