• Exam: PET
  • Course:
  • Part 3 A, Exam 1


For questions 1 - 5, read the text below and type the word which best fits each gap.
Use only 1 word in each gap.

Example: (1) = ' to '.

writing essay

Dear penfriend,

I was very happy (1) receive your letter and I found (2) very interesting.

The programme you described about dolphins sounds fascinating and they are (3) beautiful creatures. I would have liked to have seen it.

I recently saw (4) wonderful programme about butterflies that travel a long way to collect in Mexico. It was really incredible how they flew so far.

I don't watch much TV (5) I have to study for my exams, but when I get the chance, I like watching nature programmes. Do you watch much TV?

I look forward to your your answer. write back soon.

Best wishes,

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