• Exam: PET
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Complete the sentences by dragging and dropping, or typing the correct word, or its corresponding letter, into the answer box.

Once all the sentences have been completed, click on CHECK to identify mistakes.

If the word chosen is correct, it will show in green.

If the word chosen is not correct, it will show in red, and when that happens, try another word and press the CHECK button again until all the answers show in green.



The similarity between the two words EFFECT and AFFECT can sometimes cause confusion.

EFFECT, spelt with E, is a noun.
For example:
Cold weather has a bad EFFECT on my health.

AFFECT, spelt with an A, is a verb.
For example:
Cold weather can AFFECT your health.

These words are very often used in FCE sentence transformations, and should be well understood.

The word EFFECT has other meanings.
EFFECT can be used as a verb to mean CAUSE TO HAPPEN.
For example:
The U.N. is trying to EFFECT change in poor countries.

This usage is not tested in the FCE very often.

EFFECTS can mean belongings.
For example:
Please leave your personal EFFECTS on the table.

EFFECTS can also mean different behaviours.
For example:
The special EFFECTS were fantastic.
Their new show has marvellous sound EFFECTS.


Will what we say have a negative (1) on what he does?

Will what we say negatively (2) what he does?

I couldn't believe some of the special (3) we saw.

The U.N. is trying to (4) change for women in China.


You need to type the correct answer in 5 words or under in the answer box

The food she eats affects her health badly.

The food she eats (5) her health.

Possible answers:

  • A) affect
  • B) effect
  • C) effects

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