• Exam: PET
  • Course: LISTENING
  • Part 2, Exam 6


You will hear part of a radio programme about classical music.

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space, drag and drop it, or type the answer, or the corresponding letter, in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

1 - This week's prize is

Your answer: .

  • A) a music cassette.

  • B) two concert tickets.

  • C) a classical CD.

2 - The person who wrote the music lived in?

Your answer: .

  • A) Italy.

  • B) Spain.

  • C) France.

3 - What else shares the title of this music?

Your answer: .

  • A) a garden.

  • B) a play.

  • C) a park.

4 - What did people do when they first heard the music?

Your answer: .

  • A) Some left before the end.

  • B) Only a few clapped.

  • C) Some asked for their money back.

5 - This piece of music has been

Your answer: .

  • A) played in the cinema.

  • B) used in advertising.

  • C) used for a TV play.

6 - If you know the competition answer you should ring

Your answer: .

  • A) 0108937224.

  • B) 0018739242.

  • C) 0018937224.

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