• Exam: FCE
  • Course: LISTENING
  • Part 3, Exam 1


You will hear five different people talking about their work in a cruise ship.

Choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says about their work.

Type the chosen letter in the answer box.

There three extre letters which you do not need to use.

The pass mark for this exam is 60%.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:

Speaker 3:

Speaker 4:

Speaker 5:

A - One aspect of my job is less interesting than others.

B - My job involves planning for the unexpected.

C - You have to be sociable to do my job.

D - I don't like routine in my working life.

E - There's not much work to do during the day.

F - I provide passengers with a souvenir of their trip.

G - My job is full of surprises.

H - I got my job through a friend

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