• Exam: FCE-O
  • Course: LISTENING
  • Part 2, Exam 3


You will hear a piece of audio.

For questions 1 - 10, Use the information given to complete the gaps in the sentences.

Type your answers into the answer boxes.

The pass mark for this exam is 60%.


Bees get all their protein from pollen and their carbohydrates from (1) .

Honey bee colonies were reported to be dying in mass about (2) years ago.

The lack of bees represents a dysfunctional food system and a flowerless (3) .

The US has about (4) bee hives under management now, which is about half the number it was in 1945.

There are several reasons for the decline of bee populations, but one is the practice of growing crop (5) .

These farms are in fact food (6) for the bees.

The (7) from an almond blossom is very nutritious for bees.

Now about 1,5 million hives have to be (8) in in semi loads to pollenate the almond crop in the US.

The numbers of crops that require bees to pollenate them have gone up by about (9) percent.

Pesticides contain neuro toxins which get in the bees' brains, causing them to (10) and die.

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