• Exam: FCE-O
  • Course: LISTENING
  • Part 2, Exam 2


You will hear a piece of audio.

For questions 1 - 10, Use the information given to complete the gaps in the sentences.

Type your answers into the answer boxes.

The pass mark for this exam is 60%.

The Omelette

Omelettes don't get the (1) they are due.

For a main course omelette, it is best to use (2) eggs.

The taste of the omelette is improved if extra (3) olive oil is used.

If you cook eggs too hard and too fast you get a horrible (4)

During the first 20 seconds it is best to bring in the egg from the (5) .

After about 30 seconds, (6) cheese is added, although any sort of cheese could be used.

The egg should not be overcooked and hard, it should be (7) and delicious.

A non stick (8) is essential if you wish to make the perfect omelette.

Alternatively a cast (9) one would work fine.

An omelette is best served with a salad or cold meats or on its own with a tiny amount of (10) .

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