• Exam: KET
  • Course: ACCENTS


Decide what the letter A in the image given sounds like.

Drag and drop, or type the correct word from the list given, which has the same A sound, into the answer box at the bottom of the image chosen, in Capitals or lower case.

Once all the images have been chosen, click on CHECK to identify mistakes.

If the word chosen is correct, it will show in green.

If the word chosen is not correct, it will show in red, and when that happens, try another word and press the CHECK button again until all the answers show in green.



The vowels with a neutral accent have the following different sounds.

A can sound like the A in FACE which sounds like DAY.
A can sound like the A in FAT which sounds like CAT.
A can sound like the A in FAR which sounds like CAR.
A can sound like the A in WALL which sounds like the O in DOG.
A can sound like the A in balloon, which sounds like the U in BUS.

E can sound like the E in BETA, which sounds like the A in FACE.
E can sound like the E in SEW, which sounds like the O in GO.
E can sound like the E in GET, which sounds like BED.
E can sound like the E in BE, which sounds like FREE.
E can sound like the E in NEW, which sounds like the U in UNIFORM.
E can sound like the E in ECONOMY, which sounds like the I in SIT.

I can sound like the I in SIX, which sounds like BIG.
I can sound like the I in LIFE, which sounds like FIVE.
I can sound like the I in MACHINE, which sounds like the E in FREE.

O can sound like the O in DO, which sounds like YOU.
O can sound like the O in SON, which sounds like the U in BUS.
O can sound like the O in DOG, which sounds like STOP.
O can sound like the O in GO, which sounds like NO.
O can sound like the O in HOW, which sounds like NOW.

U can sound like the U in SURE, which sounds like FOUR.
U can sound like the U in CUP, which sounds like BUT.
U can sound like the U in SURE, which sounds like FOUR.
U can sound like the U in UNIFORM, which sounds like YOU.
U can sound like the U in PULL, which sounds like FOOT.
U can sound like the U in MINUTE, which sounds like the I in SIT.
U can sound like the U in BRUTE, which sounds like FOOD.

Y can sound like the Y in WHY, which sounds like the I in LIFE.
Y can sound like the Y in MYSTERY, which sounds like the I in SIT.
Y can sound like the Y in BOY, which sounds like the E in FREE.












Possible answers:

  • A) name
  • B) rabbit
  • C) cat
  • D) car
  • E) plane
  • F) mat
  • G) fame
  • H) sat
  • I) bat
  • J) crate
  • K) late
  • L) hat
  • M) game
  • N) rat
  • O) tar
  • P) shame
  • Q) chat
  • R) frame
  • S) jam
  • T) bag
  • U) bad
  • V) tall
  • W) same
  • X) far
  • Y) fate
  • Z) jar
  • AA) spar
  • AB) tame
  • AC) bar
  • AD) crane
  • AE) wall
  • AF) balloon
  • AG) war
  • AH) dragoon
  • AI) cake
  • AJ) all
  • AK) fall
  • AL) basoon
  • AM) baboon
  • AN) ball
  • AO) stake
  • AP) small
  • AQ) flat
  • AR) smack
  • AS) star

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