• Exam: GEN
    • Course:
    • Key words:


Complete the sentences by dragging and dropping, or typing the correct word, or its corresponding letter, into the answer box.

Once all the sentences have been completed, click on CHECK to identify mistakes.

If the word chosen is correct, it will show in green.

If the word chosen is not correct, it will show in red, and when that happens, try another word and press the CHECK button again until all the answers show in green.



THE PRESENT SIMPLE is used to describe actions that happen regularly or repeatedly or habitually.

Example - I play tennis, or I usually play tennis.

The base form of the verb 'PLAY' is 'TO PLAY'. The PRESENT SIMPLE uses this form with the 'TO' removed.

For questions, DO or DOES is used

For I, YOU, WE and THEY, 'DO' is used.

For HE, SHE and IT, 'DOES' is used.

Example - DO YOU PLAY tennis? but, DOES HE PLAY tennis?

Notice that no 'S' is added to the verbs in the negative case.

For the verb TO BE, the PRESENT SIMPLE in the question form uses 'AM', 'IS' and 'ARE'.

'I' always uses 'AM'.

Example - AM I happy?.

'YOU', 'WE' and 'THEY' always use 'ARE'.

Example - ARE YOU happy?.

'HE', 'SHE' and 'IT' always use 'IS'.

Example - IS HE happy.


- Where (1) you do your homework?

- (2) your school basketball team play a lot of games?

- Where (3) you usually go on holiday?

- (4) you play football at the weekend?

- Where (5) she go after school?

- Which subjects (6) you have on Friday morning?

- (7) your best friend walk to school?

Possible answers:

  • A) do
  • B) does

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