• Exam: PET
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Complete the sentences by dragging and dropping, or typing the correct word, or its corresponding letter, into the answer box.

Once all the sentences have been completed, click on CHECK to identify mistakes.

If the word chosen is correct, it will show in green.

If the word chosen is not correct, it will show in red, and when that happens, try another word and press the CHECK button again until all the answers show in green.



A paragraph is a group of sentences that are related to each other.
A sentence is a group of words that are related to each other.
To understand English, these relations need to be understood.
This section studies these relationships.

Consider the following text:
This morning, while I was ..... my breakfast, the postman came with a present for me. But my birthday's .... November. Well, I opened it and there .... a beautiful new camera in it, and a letter which said, "you have .... our competition!". I couldn't understand it. I showed it to Mum and she said, "Last summer you .... an excellent photo of a circus. I sent it to a competition in one of my magazines." Now I want .... be a photographer when I'm older.

sentence 1: while I was ........... my breakfast, the postman came.
You don't eat breakfast, you HAVE BREAKFAST.
The missing word is HAVING
With the PAST CONTINUOUS the verb is in ING form.

sentence 2: But my birthday's .... November.
The preposition for November is IN.
The missing word is IN.

sentence 3: I opened it and there .... a beautiful new camera in it.
The verb to be in the past is WAS, for the IT case.
The missing word is WAS.

sentence 4: you have .... our competition.
People WIN competitions.
With HAVE, the past participle has to be used, which for WIN is WON.
The missing word is WON.

sentence 5: Last summer you .... an excellent photo of a circus.
People TAKE photos.
The past od TAKE is TOOK.
The missing word is TOOK.

sentence 6: Now I want .... be a photographer when I'm older Explanation:
WANT is a verb and BE is a verb. TO is needed between two verbs.
The missing word is TO.

These explanations show how the misssing words are related to the words around them.
These relationships enable the missing words to be identified.

Notice there are different kinds of relationships.
The most important is the relationship with the words on either side of the space, as in the examples .
The second level of importance is with the other words in the sentence, which can affect the form of the word in the space.


Wood comes from trees and also from a few other, smaller plants.
It is strong, easy to cut, and you can find it in (1) places in the world.
We burn it (2) we are cold, and we make thousands (3) different things with it.

(4) are two kinds of wood, 'hardwood' and 'softwood',but these are only names.
They are not hard or soft.
The difference is this: they come from different kinds of trees and (5) wood is good for different things.
Most hardwood comes from trees with leaves which (6) in the autumn.

These trees are (7) 'deciduous' trees.
Hardwod is good for tables and chairs, for example, because it is more beautiful (8) softwood.
Most softwood comes from trees which have leaves in summer and in winter (9) .
Softwood is good for big things, for example, bridges, and we can make paper, paints and plastics from it.

Wood is not very expensive or difficult to get, but we must be careful.
We are (10) the wood from the world's jungles and forests very (11) .

Possible answers:

  • A) of
  • B) using
  • C) too
  • D) than
  • E) many
  • F) fall
  • G) when
  • H) called
  • I) so
  • J) their
  • K) quickly
  • L) There

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