• Exam: KET-O
  • Course: SPEAKING
  • Part 2, Exam 3


You are given 2 images.

Use the information in the image on the left to form the required questions.

Use the information in the image on the right to form the required answers.

Choose the correct words, drag and drop them into the corresponding box or type them, to form the correct question or its corresponding answer.

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writing essay



1 the shop?

A) What the name of
B) The name of
C) What is the name of


1 music shop.

D) The name it is Freddy's
E) The shop name is Freddy's
F) The name of the shop is Freddy's

CDs £?

2 CDs?

A) How much the
B) How much are the
C) What price the

2 £5.

D) The CDs are all
E) The CDs they are
F) They are cost


3 address?

A) What is their
B) What is there
C) What it is their

3 street.

D) The address it is 16 Dover
E) Their address it is 16 Dover
F) Their address is 16 Dover


4 open?

A) When are they
B) When they are
C) When is

4 9am - 9pm.

D) They open Monday to Saturday
E) They are open Monday to Saturday
F) It is open Monday to Saturday

Sell magazines?

5 magazines?

A) They sell
B) They do sell
C) Do they sell

5 magazines.

D) Yes, they sell books and
E) Yes, they are selling
F) Yes, they sell the

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