• Exam: KET-O
  • Course:
  • Part 7, Exam 2


The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

The recommended time for this exam is 6 minutes or under.

For questions 1 - 10, read the text below and type the word which best fits each gap.
Use only 1 word in each gap.

Example: (1) = ' to '.

Dear Greg,

I am writing because I am coming (1) your country with some friends next month. We don't have (2) idea where to stay and I was hoping you could give me (3) good ideas. We would preferably like to stay somewhere near the centre, but money (4) quite tight. Do you think you will (5) able to help?


Dear Barry,

It was great to hear (6) you again. I would love to help, and have phoned around, but the hotels in (7) centre are all very expensive. My aunt has a big house around there and I had (8) word with her. If you like, she would be very happy for you to stay (9) her. There is a lot of room because the house is very big. Let me know (10) you are interested.

Best wishes,


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