• Exam: KET-O
  • Course:
  • Part 2, Exam 7


Read the following sentences.

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space, drag and drop it, or type the correct answer, or the corresponding letter, in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

This exam should take 5-6 minutes to complete.

NEW Drag and drop now works on all mobile devices.

  • 1 - Lenny wanted to go to a restaurant.
  • A) precious

    B) fresh

    C) new

  • 2 - He ordered an interesting from the menu.
  • A) plate

    B) bowl

    C) dish

  • 3 - The took a long time to bring the food.
  • A) writer

    B) starter

    C) waiter

  • 4 - Then, after he finished eating, the took ages to come.
  • A) beth

    B) bob

    C) bill

  • 5 - He was very about everything.
  • A) unhappy

    B) excited

    C) shy

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