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  • Exam: KET
  • Course:LISTENING
  • Part 3, Exam 7


Listen to a man asking for information in a travel agency.

Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space, drag and drop it, or type the answer, or the corresponding letter, in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

1 - You can fly to Buenos Aires

Your answer: .

  • A) once a week

  • B) twice a week

  • C) three times a week

2 - The plane leaves at

Your answer: .

  • A) 12 a.m.

  • B) 2 p.m.

  • C) 3 p.m.

3 - The bus station is in

Your answer: .

  • A) Bill Street

  • B) Hill Street

  • C) Mill Street

4 - The journey to the airport takes

Your answer: .

  • A) 1 hour 15 min

  • B) 1 hour 30 min

  • C) 1 hour 45 min

5 - The man's ticket to Buenos Aires will cost

Your answer: .

  • A) 240

  • B) 300

  • C) 320

6 - The coach costs

Your answer: .

  • A) 13.50

  • B) 14.50

  • C) 30.50

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