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  • Exam: KET
  • Course:LISTENING
  • Part 3, Exam 5


Listen to Eric talking to Mary about the weekend.

Their friend Carlos is coming to visit them.

Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space, drag and drop it, or type the answer, or the corresponding letter, in the answer box.

The pass mark for this exam is 70% or over.

1 - What does Carlos hate?

Your answer: .

  • A) shopping

  • B) museums

  • C) football

2 - When is the football match?

Your answer: .

  • A) Saturday morning

  • B) Saturday afternoon

  • C) Sunday afternoon

3 - Where are they going to eat on Saturday evening?

Your answer: .

  • A) at home

  • B) in an Italian restaurant

  • C) in a Chinese restaurant

4 - What are they going to do on Sunday morning

Your answer: .

  • A) go for a drive

  • B) get up late

  • C) go to the cinema

5 - Where are they going to have lunch on Sunday

Your answer: .

  • A) in a café

  • B) in a pub

  • C) at home

6 - They can't go to the cinema on Sunday afternoon because

Your answer: .

  • A) Carlos doesn't like films

  • B) Eric doesn't like films

  • C) they don't have time

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