• Exam: KET
  • Course: LISTENING
  • Part 3, Exam 1


Listen to Sue talking to her friend, Jim, about the new sports centre.

Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space, drag and drop it, or type the answer, or the corresponding letter, in the answer box.

1 - Which bus goes to the sports centre?

Your answer: .

  • A) 15

  • B) 18

  • C) 25

2 - From Monday to Saturday, the sports centre is open from

Your answer: .

  • A) 6 a.m.

  • B) 7 a.m.

  • C) 9 a.m.

3 - If Sue goes swimming, she must take

Your answer: .

  • A) soap

  • B) a swimming hat

  • C) a towel

4 - At the sports centre, you can buy

Your answer: .

  • A) sandwiches

  • B) fruit

  • C) drinks

5 - Jim and Sue are going to go to the sports centre next

Your answer: .

  • A) Wednesday

  • B) Thursday

  • C) Saturday