• Course:
  • Part 5, Exam 1


Read the story and look at the pictures.

You are given some sentences with gaps

Type the correct answer into the answer boxes.

EXAMPLE: Ben went for a (1) PICNIC with his Mum and Dad.

Hello, I'm Ben. Last week I went for a picnic with Mum and Dad, my older brother John and my dog, Bouncer. Dad stopped the car in a field and Mum and Dad put a blanket down. Then we carried the food and drink from the car. We ate chicken and cheese sandwiches and drank lemonade and Bouncer had sausages - his favourite food. Mum and Dad started to read their books and Bouncer went to sleep. It was all very boring!

Lost in the forest

Ben went for a (1) with his Mum and Dad last week.
Ben has a dog called (2)
Ben's Dad stopped the car in (3)
They ate sandwiches and (4) lemonade. After the picnic, Tom's dog (5) to sleep.

John and I found a map in the car and went for a walk in the forest. We walked and walked. Then we looked at the map carefully but it was difficult to read and we didn't know how to go back to Mum and dad. Then we were afraid. We shouted and shouted, but nothing happened. So, we sat under some trees and waited. It was terrible.

The children wanted to have (6) in the forest.
The children were (7) because they didn't know how to find their parents.
They sat and (8) for their Mum and Dad under some trees.

And then Bouncer came to find us. He knew how to go back to Mum and dad so he went first and showed us where they were. Clever boy! Mum and Dad were very happy when they saw us. They took us to a café for tea. I had a big cake and john had a bowl of ice-cream. And they bought a present for Bouncer - a new ball! John and I don't go for walks in the forest now!

Bouncer helped the children to (9) their parents.
Then they all went to (10) to have some tea.
Ben's brother ate a (11) .
Ben's parents wanted to give the dog a present so they got (12) for him.

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